Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation“ is a theory on interpersonal relations founded in 1958 by William Schutz. It explains most interpersonal behaviours based on 3 dimensions: inclusion, control and affection. These categories define how much interaction a person needs in the areas of social contacts, leading/influencing and personal openness.

How does it work?

The personality instrument FIRO-B® (B= behaviour) describes the behaviours of the three dimensions and measures for each the extent to which a person expresses themselves towards others (expressed) and how much activity they expect from others (wanted). 

The table shows a simplified version of the report a participant receives after having filled in the questionnaire. 6 numbers, each on a scale from 0 to 9, form the profile of the person’s needs and behaviours when interacting with others.









What are the benefits?

FIRO-B® provides people with insight and a basis for reflecting on their interpersonal behaviours. It is especially useful in the following applications:

Leadershop Development

On the basis of the profile the manager reviews

The manager becomes aware of their behaviour and can therefore vary it more in order to adjust to different situations and challenges.

Team Development

The members of a team recognize their different needs with regard to

They understand the dynamics of their cooperation and can adjust their processes to individual needs. At the same time each member of the team is challenged to reflect on how they can vary their behaviour in order to support the team more effectively.

Each FIRO-B®-application follows these steps: